Germania - München : Exploatarea instalațiilor audiovizuale și de interpretare din München
Data licitatiei 02.11.2017
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 2606440
Data publicarii :
GE |
Descriere scurta:
Germania - München : Exploatarea instalațiilor audiovizuale și de interpretare din München
Coduri CPV:
79540000-1 - Servicii de interpretariat
79900000-3 - Diverse servicii comerciale şi servicii conexe
Textul licitației
ecutive body is the European Patent Office, which is responsible for carrying out searches and examinations of European patent applications and for granting European patents. It employs approximately 6 700 staff at EPO headquarters in Munich, a branch at The Hague/Rijswijk (NL) and sub-offices in Berlin and Vienna. (The number of member states and staff may change.)2.Award procedure:Open invitation to tender with discretionary award of contract.3.Description of the contract:(a) Purpose of the contract:Operation of the interpreting and audiovisual installations in Munich.(b) Division into lots:n/a(c) Any deposits and guarantees required:n/a(d) Main terms concerning payment:Purchases: within 30 days of acceptance of the equipment.(e) Qualifications required by law:n/a4.