Germania - Indonesia and country/countries of contractor`s office(s): Sustainable Urban Public Transport in Indonesia: Pre-Feasibility Assessment and Project Scoping II
Data licitatiei 16.12.2024
Valoare estimata : 1,490,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 8980415
Data publicarii :
GE |
Descriere scurta:
Germania - Indonesia and country/countries of contractor`s office(s): Sustainable Urban Public Transport in Indonesia: Pre-Feasibility Assessment and Project Scoping II
Coduri CPV:
71241000-9 - Studii de fezabilitate, servicii de consultanţă, analize
71242000-6 - Pregătire de proiecte şi proiectare, estimare a costurilor
71311300-4 - Servicii de consultanţă în infrastructură
71313430-8 - Analiză a indicatorilor de mediu pentru construcţii
79410000-1 - Servicii de consultanţă în afaceri şi în gestionare
Textul licitației
Initiative (GII). Improvement of urban and regional public transport will continue to be an important component of this partnership. Several potential projects are currently being identified by the Ministry of Transportation (MoT) of Indonesia. KfW seeks now consulting services for pre-feasibility assessment and scoping of such projects. The assignment is intended to enable informed decisions on whether and how to continue such projects and to pave the way forward for their potential financing. The study documents will be used by the Executing Agency (Ministry of Transportation) to propose projects for the future Blue Book of 2025-2029. The Consultant shall perform all work and provide all deliveries needed to achieve the objectives of this Study whether or not mentioned in this Scope of Services. The Scope will as a minimum comprise the following key tasks which are detailed in the chapters of the Terms of Reference: (i) data collection, familiarisation with the site, identification of stakeholders (ii) data analysis and verification (iii) analysis of potentials, constraints and risks, assessment and verification of project objectives (iv) technical planning (v) investment scoping (vi) assessment of environmental, social and climate effects (vii) assessment of policy, regulatory and institutional aspects (viii) estimation of i