Data licitatiei 09.07.2024

au mai rămas 6 zile

Germania - Frankfurt (Oder): Process Design Kit Development for open source Magic tool chain and tool Feasibility study
Data licitatiei 09.07.2024
au mai rămas 6 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8366406 Data publicarii : 10.06.2024 Tara/Judet: GE
Descriere scurta:

Germania - Frankfurt (Oder): Process Design Kit Development for open source Magic tool chain and tool Feasibility study

Coduri CPV:

73000000-2 - Servicii de cercetare şi de dezvoltare şi servicii conexe de consultanţă
73110000-6 - Servicii de cercetare
73120000-9 - Servicii de dezvoltare experimentală
73300000-5 - Proiectare şi executare în domeniul cercetării şi dezvoltării

Textul licitației

evelopment for open source Magic tool chain and tool Feasibility study Introduction: IHP is developing an open source PDK based on an toolchain open EDA tool klayout. Details and status are available under As a second option an open PDK based on Magic VLSI layout tool ( should be developed. IHP want to outsource a major part of this task. Further feasibility studies to implement further features in the open source design flow should be performed. Requirements: IHP is seeking qualified suppliers to undertake following tasks: - Generating a technology file for the Magic layout tool, with all sections including but not limited to drawn layer definitions - Setup DRC an deck - Setup GDS input and output definitions and LEF layer definitions - Setup Tcl script library of parametrized cells for all IHP SG13G2 devices - Setup file for the Netgen tool for the purpose of running LVS - Setup an extraction deck for magic that includes both device extraction and parasitic extraction. The parasitic extraction should include coefficients for Magic's parasitic capacitance and resistance extraction models, including typic

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