Germania - Eschborn: 81311183-Expert Services on Development and Implementation of Energy Efficiency Projects under the Montreal Protocol
Data licitatiei 27.12.2024
Valoare estimata : 679,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9003249
Data publicarii :
GE |
Descriere scurta:
Germania - Eschborn: 81311183-Expert Services on Development and Implementation of Energy Efficiency Projects under the Montreal Protocol
Coduri CPV:
71314000-2 - Servicii de energie electrică şi servicii conexe
Textul licitației
h was established in 1987 to eliminate ozone depleting substances (ODS). When released in the air, these man-made chemicals, which are typically used in refrigeration or as foam-blowing agents, damage the stratospheric ozone layer. This would allow increased harmful UV radiation to reach Earth, resulting in higher incidences of skin cancer and eye cataracts, as well as adverse effects on natural ecosystems and agriculture. In 1991, the Multilateral Fund (MLF) was created to support developing countries and economies in transition (Article 5 countries) in their efforts to comply with the requirements of the MP. Article 5 countries (A5) can receive funding from the MLF and propose projects to meet their MP obligations. These projects include for example longterm activities, such as HCFC Phaseout Management Plans (HPMPs) or Kigali Implementation Plans (KIPs) that go along with the HCFC phaseout and HFC phasedown schedule according to the Montreal Protocol. Additionally, the Montreal Protocol opens at certain occasions funding windows for specific topics. These include the topic of energy efficiency or the management of ODS/HFC-banks, i.e. the management of substances contained in existing equipment, chemical stockpiles, foams and other products not yet released to the atmosphere. All these projects are implemented by 4 official imp