Data licitatiei 01.11.2024

au mai rămas 29 zile

Germania - Bayreuth: Qualification System for the Provision of Jack-Up Barges
Data licitatiei 01.11.2024
au mai rămas 29 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8807647 Data publicarii : 02.10.2024 Tara/Judet: GE
Descriere scurta:

Germania - Bayreuth: Qualification System for the Provision of Jack-Up Barges

Coduri CPV:

34512000-9 - Nave şi ambarcaţiuni similare pentru transportul de persoane sau de mărfuri
60651000-6 - Închiriere de nave cu echipaj

Textul licitației

Barge (JuB) is defined as any non-propelled or self-propelled marine vessel that is fitted with legs and a jacking system that provides the vessel with the capability to elevate the hull above the surface of the sea. Other industry terms used to identify jack-ups are Mobile Offshore Units (MOUs), Self-elevating Platforms (SEPs) and Lift Boats. For each requirement of a Jack-Up Barge the client will issue an invitation to tender/request for quotation (ITT). The Jack up Barge shall support scheduled and unscheduled maintenance campaigns at TenneT's offshore assets. The technical requirements can vary in its nature, depending on the scope of work the Jack-up Barge shall fulfil. In general the Client intends to use such units for crane operations and accommodation of personnel. Beside those main tasks several side tasks may be requested. A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is to be concluded to protect the confidentiality of the client's information. Once the NDA has been received and considered complete, you shall be added as participant to the prequalification system and granted access to all questions and documents accordingly.  Please carefully read the "procedure guidelines" and follow the given instructions. *** The application for participation must be submitted electronically (in a standardized data format, such as PD

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