Franţa - Paris : Achiziția de mobilier și echipamente informatice pentru Centrul Clinic Zemun
Data licitatiei 28.11.2019
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 4171300
Data publicarii :
FR |
Descriere scurta:
Franţa - Paris : Achiziția de mobilier și echipamente informatice pentru Centrul Clinic Zemun
Coduri CPV:
30200000-1 - Echipament şi accesorii pentru computer
Textul licitației
anagement office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the ‘Procurement of Furniture and IT Equipment for Clinical Centre Zemun’ No IOP/34-2019/UHI.Public investment management office as the purchaser, now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including sixth lots:Lot 1: Furniture and equipment estimated value 445 000 EUR;Lot 8: IT Equipment, estimated value 580 000 EUR.Place of destination is: Clinical Center Zemun,Vukova 9, Serbia, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the contract.The contract is expected to be implemented from December 2019 to February 2019.The tender evaluation criterion is ‘The lowest evaluated bid’ (the ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).All firms are invited to participate in the tender.Alternative bids shall not be considered.Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via email: requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in bidding documents.