Data licitatiei 14.08.2024

au mai rămas 39 zile

Finlanda: Veikkaus Data Catalog
Data licitatiei 14.08.2024
au mai rămas 39 zile
Valoare estimata : 1,520,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8453094 Data publicarii : 02.07.2024 Tara/Judet: FI
Descriere scurta:

Finlanda: Veikkaus Data Catalog

Coduri CPV:

72322000-8 - Servicii de gestionare a datelor

Textul licitației

pany in the world. The solution aims to provide end users with a modern tool to data discovery, and thus to enhance the use of data in decision-making. Data Governance is looking for a tool where data governance and data management principles can be compiled and integrated into a single system, where they are also accessible and usable by end users. Above all, the system must support ease of use and automation, so that different user groups can focus on its exploitation and creating value from the data.Identificatorul procedurii: 78ba7eb8-3d72-4ac5-abbe-e4879394c84fIdentificator intern: 518833Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: 1. GENERAL The legislation concerning the public procurement is applied to the procurement. Type of procedure is open procedure. 2. CONTRACT NOTICE A contract notice has been published on the website and The contract award notice shall be published after the award decision. 3. SUBMITTING THE TENDER AS A GROUP OF ECONOMIC OPERATORS AND SUBCONTRACTING The tenderer may submit the tend

Pentru a vedea textul integral al licitaţiei trebuie să aveți cont și abonament.

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