Data licitatiei 22.09.2024


Finlanda: Super Puma Landing and Hoist Light Modification
Data licitatiei 22.09.2024
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8624708 Data publicarii : 14.08.2024 Tara/Judet: FI
Descriere scurta:

Finlanda: Super Puma Landing and Hoist Light Modification

Coduri CPV:

50210000-0 - Servicii de reparare şi de întreţinere şi servicii conexe pentru aeronave şi pentru alte echipamente

Textul licitației

ch consist of: 1.) Relocation of helicopter retractable Landing Light, MPN 704A46820059, which is located underneath of cockpit on RH side. AND 2.) Relocation of helicopter Hoist Light, MPN 704A4682200, from RH cabin entrance foot-step to the same location on LH side cabin entrance foot-step. The tenderer shall agree to provide a Landing Light for testing to the Buyer. During the testing, the capabilities laid down in Technical requirements (Appendix 1) will be tested. The tenderer shall provide the Landing Light for testing on their expense, and it shall be provided to the Buyer no later than 22nd of October 2024. The Landing Light shall be returned to the Tenderer no later than 22nd of November 2024. The contact information and delivery adress for providing the Landing Light shall be sent to all tenderers after the deadline for sending offers. Should a tenderer refuse from providing th

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