Finlanda: Procurement of Impact surveys, impact studies, gender advisory services and Paris alignment assignments to support Finnfund’s investments
Data licitatiei 26.09.2024
Valoare estimata : 2,200,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 8662292
Data publicarii :
FI |
Descriere scurta:
Finlanda: Procurement of Impact surveys, impact studies, gender advisory services and Paris alignment assignments to support Finnfund’s investments
Coduri CPV:
79300000-7 - Studii de piaţă şi cercetare economică; sondaje şi statistici
79400000-8 - Consultanţă în afaceri şi în management şi servicii conexe
Textul licitației
impact surveys and impact studies to capture insights on and impact of Finnfund’s pipeline and portfolio companies on their customers, workers, other stakeholders, and the economy. In addition, Finnfund is looking for consultants to support its pipeline and portfolio companies in providing gender advisory services, and in conducting Paris alignment assessments in accordance with international standards. A more detailed description of the Service is available in Annex 1.1 TOR DIS Assignments. The Framework Agreement is divided into four (4) lots: 1. Impact surveys 2. Impact studies 3. Gender advisory services 4. Paris alignment assessments The contracting authority selects as service providers for each Lot tenderers who have submitted a tender in accordance with the call for tenders for the Lot and who are deemed to meet the Lot-specific suitability requirements set out in the ESPD form. The procedure for awarding contracts based on the Framework Agreement, including their terms, are described in the Annex 1 "Framework Agreement" and in the Annex 1.4 "The Award Criteria of LTP". The Framework Agreement will enter into force on 1 November 2024 or as soon as the tendering process is finalised and will last for two (2) years. The Customer have a possibility for one (1) of two (2) years extension (option period). The customer noti