Finlanda: Hydrogen power-to-power system
Data licitatiei 09.01.2025
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 9017668
Data publicarii :
FI |
Descriere scurta:
Finlanda: Hydrogen power-to-power system
Coduri CPV:
44615000-4 - Cuve sub presiune
Textul licitației
ies and as a part of fossil free heavy-duty transport and energy solutions for buildings. High-level experimental research requires advanced research infrastructures. The University of Oulu has established a national profile in hydrogen research (via the Academy of Finland's national profiling project H2FUTURE). The research infrastructures implemented within this project will support the university’s world-class research, addressing short, medium, and long-term research and development challenges. The open research infrastructure managed by the universities also provides small and medium-sized enterprises with access to the latest experimental technologies for their product and process development, which would otherwise be too costly for them to acquire and maintain. The RDI activities of the Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk) have been and will continue to be instrumental in supporting regional industry and labor markets in a comprehensive manner. Oamk’s project activities are diverse, and the staff's expertise is of a high level, often rooted in backgrounds in manufacturing industries. The goal of these projects is to enhance regional well-being and competitiveness, promote business development, and foster the creation of new products, services, and operational models. Achieving these objectives requires advanced