Data licitatiei 25.04.2025

au mai rămas 38 zile

Finlanda: Hepatitis A and B combination Vaccine for adults and children/adolescents 2025-2027 (2027-2028, 2028-2029)
Data licitatiei 25.04.2025
au mai rămas 38 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9380426 Data publicarii : 18.03.2025 Tara/Judet: FI
Descriere scurta:

Finlanda: Hepatitis A and B combination Vaccine for adults and children/adolescents 2025-2027 (2027-2028, 2028-2029)

Coduri CPV:

33600000-6 - Produse farmaceutice
33650000-1 - Antiinfecţioase generale pentru uz sistemic, vaccinuri, antineoplazice şi imunomodulatoare
33651600-4 - Vaccinuri

Textul licitației

n Programme in Finland. The contract will be awarded to one Supplier based on a comparison of tenders. Tender that is economically the most advantageous will win the competition. The most economically advantageous Tender shall be a Tender with lowest reference price for the competition. The reference price will be calculated by adding the tendered prices for adult and children/adolescent doses together. The tenderer must offer a price for both adult and children´s vaccines. The contract period is two years 2025 - 2027. The procurement contains two one-year contract period renewals (1+1) to extend the contract for the periods 2027-2028 and 2028-2029. Estimated quantity for the contract period including contract period renewals is 12 000 doses for adults and 1000 doses for children/adolescents. Customer reserves the right to increase or decrease the ordered numbers of doses by up to 20%.

Pentru a vedea textul integral al licitaţiei trebuie să aveți cont și abonament.

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