Data licitatiei 02.08.2024

au mai rămas 32 zile

Finlanda: 8 pieces of 63 MVAr shunt reactors
Data licitatiei 02.08.2024
au mai rămas 32 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8440283 Data publicarii : 28.06.2024 Tara/Judet: FI
Descriere scurta:

Finlanda: 8 pieces of 63 MVAr shunt reactors

Coduri CPV:

31600000-2 - Echipament electric

Textul licitației

ors. In our operating model, the network of service and goods suppliers and good co-operation with suppliers are especially important. We require all our contractual partners who supply us with services or goods to be aware of Fingrid’s significant social duty and to commit to responsibility for the economic, social and environmental effects of their operations. Delivery consists of eight (8) pieces 20 kV 63 MVA shunt reactors and as an option twelve (12) pieces of 20 kV 63 MVA shunt reactors. Unloading of all reactor sets is included in the scope of delivery. Preliminary dry-type shunt reactor specification is attached to this prequalification (see attachment PRELIMINARY S22343E1 Dry-type shunt reactor). Preliminary delivery schedule for deliveries: 1x 63 MVAr, DDP Alapitkä (2026) 2x 63 MVAr, DDP Herva (2027) 2x 63 MVAr,DDP Kukonkylä (2027) 3x 63 MVAr, DDP Toivila (2028) Preliminary deliveries for options (12) by end of 2029 and order by end of 2026. An additional procurement option is offered on request for two (2) pieces 20 MVAr Delivery locations are preliminary and may be altered during procurement process. Detailed schedules shall be given in the tender inquiry documents.

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