Valoare estimata : 0 | Tip anunt: UE | ID: 3809884 | Data publicarii : 02.05.2019 | Tara/Judet: |
Descriere scurta:
Egipt - Suez : BERD - Loturile 13 – 22 ale proiectului pentru reabilitarea Complexului de cocsificare, unitate nouă de hidrotratare, unitate nouă de cocsificare întârziată și unitate de recuperare a vaporilor Coduri CPV:
45255000-9 - Lucrări de construcţii pentru industria petrolului şi a gazului |
Textul licitației
rred to as “the Bank”, towards the cost of SOPC Energy Efficiency and Upgrade Program.Suez Oil Processing Company (SOPC) intends to revamp and upgrade the existing delayed coker complex to allow operating the complex at its original throughput of 5 000 MTPD of atmospheric residue. The coker complex is located within the premises of SOPC refinery area, Suez, Egypt. The project will cover several upgrade steps including the following modifications that allow together the conversion of the feed’s heavy residue into the desired more valuable products such as LPG, Jet fuel, Euro V Diesel, Petroleum Coke.— new Vacuum Distillation Unit (VDU) to replace the existing unit,— new Distillate Hydro-treating Unit (DHTU) to replace the existing 2 distillate Hydrotreating units,— new Delayed Coking Unit (DCU) with all its supporting units to replace the existing units,— upgrade the existing straight run unifying unit with the required modifications to produce kerosene (Jet A-1 specifications) instead of gas oil.The site is located in Suez Governorat, approximately 150 km East of Cairo and approximately 3 km to the west of the Central Business District (CBD) of the city of Suez.The client intends pre-qualifying firms and consortia to tender for the following contract(s), hereinafterPentru a vedea textul integral al licitaţiei trebuie să aveți cont și abonament.
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