Egipt - Cairo : BERD - Programul de eficiență energetică și modernizare SOPC - Egipt
Data licitatiei 05.07.2018
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 3141954
Data publicarii :
Descriere scurta:
Egipt - Cairo : BERD - Programul de eficiență energetică și modernizare SOPC - Egipt
Coduri CPV:
45255000-9 - Lucrări de construcţii pentru industria petrolului şi a gazului
71314300-5 - Servicii de consultanţă în eficienţă energetică
72224000-1 - Servicii de consultanţă privind gestionarea proiectelor
Textul licitației
ns to improve its operational performance, environmental footprint and utilisation rate. This will help to partly address some of the country’s inability to meet local demand for middle distillates which have had to be imported over the past 10 years.The Project intends to include the following components:a) coker refurbishment /hydrotreater upgrade,b) new Vapour Recovery Unit (VRU),c) implementation of an Energy Efficiency Investment Programme (“EEIP”) designed with the assistance of the Bank to help SOPC improve its overall performance and cost competitiveness, andd) engagement of a consultant to the Project Implementation Unit (“PIU”), in order to ensure full consistency with the Bank’s Procurement Policies and Rules for public sector projects (PP&R) and loan requirements (i.e. the subject matter of this procurement notice), and assist SOPC in achieving projects completion successfully and in timely manner within the estimated durations.SOPC (Suez Oil Processing Company)Cairo, EgyptAssignment description: The PIU consultant shall assist the company with the following tasks:1) Project preparation phasea— support in the finalisation of the technical documentation of the project,b— development of PIU operating procedures,