Data licitatiei 25.03.2025

au mai rămas 13 zile

Danemarca: Tender for Contract on subsidy for carbon capture, transport and storage
Data licitatiei 25.03.2025
au mai rămas 13 zile
Valoare estimata : 28,659,200,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8828668 Data publicarii : 08.10.2024 Tara/Judet: DA
Descriere scurta:

Danemarca: Tender for Contract on subsidy for carbon capture, transport and storage

Coduri CPV:

90700000-4 - Servicii privind mediul
90720000-0 - Protecţia mediului

Textul licitației

e 2024, a political decision was made to deploy the CCS Fund through one single competitive bidding process. This call for tenders concerns the deployment of the CCS Fund. The purpose of the CCS Fund is to achieve CO2 emission reductions and/or negative emissions by Storing Fossil CO2 and/or Biogenic CO2 or Atmospheric CO2. The overarching aim of the CCS Fund is thus to contribute to the realization of Denmark's climate targets as outlined in the Danish Climate Act (in Danish: “Klimaloven”). THE CONTRACT(S) The Danish Energy Agency (the DEA) wishes to enter into one or more contract(s) pursuant to which the recipient(s) of the subsidies (each recipient “the Operator”) shall ensure and be responsible for achieving the CO2 emission reductions and/or negative CO2 emissions (“the Contract”). As described in the tender documents, the Operator shall each year from 2030 until (and i

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