Danemarca: Online Oceanography Measuring System Management
Data licitatiei 14.11.2024
Valoare estimata : 18,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 8862747
Data publicarii :
DA |
Descriere scurta:
Danemarca: Online Oceanography Measuring System Management
Coduri CPV:
38290000-4 - Instrumente şi aparate de geodezie, de hidrografie, de oceanografie şi de hidrologie
71351900-2 - Servicii de geologie, de oceanografie şi de hidrologie
71351920-2 - Servicii de oceanografie şi de hidrologie
Textul licitației
lier to establish and operate a number of Stations at different locations measuring current. The collection of the measurements shall be done in real-time, and the Supplier shall provide real-time data download, data-management and dissemination of the measurements to the Buyer and other users. The Service to be delivered by the Supplier includes in overall terms the following: 1) To establish and manage a number of Stations providing measurements of current at the given Locations in The Inner Danish Waters. The Services contains of the following 6 (six) Stations divided into three lots (no. 1-3) with 5 (five) mandatory and 1 (one) optional Station. Lot #1: Id. No. 5-1-1 Drogden Lighthouse (The Sound) - Mandatory Id. No. 5-1-2 Nordre Røse Lighhouse (The Sound) - Optional Lot #2: Id. No. 5-2-1 Hatter Barn (Kattegat South) - Mandatory Id. No. 5-2-2 Great Belt Bridge (Great Belt) - Mandatory Id. No. 5-2-3 Vengeance Ground (Great Belt) - Mandatory Lot #3: Id. No. 5-3-3 Little Belt North – Mandatory 2) To provide and document a system for Quality Assurance, including real time and historical quality control of the measurements provided. 3) To store all measurements and maintain a system for providing online access to the data via a restricted and documented Application Programming Interface (API).Identificatorul procedurii