Danemarca: Nordic Combat Uniform (NCU 2.0)
Data licitatiei 23.09.2024
Valoare estimata : 1,000,000,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 8660261
Data publicarii :
DA |
Descriere scurta:
Danemarca: Nordic Combat Uniform (NCU 2.0)
Coduri CPV:
18100000-0 - Îmbrăcăminte de uz profesional, îmbrăcăminte specială de lucru şi accesorii
18200000-1 - Îmbrăcăminte de exterior
18220000-7 - Îmbrăcăminte de protecţie împotriva intemperiilor
18310000-5 - Lenjerie de corp
18330000-1 - Tricouri şi cămăşi
35811300-5 - Uniforme militare
35812000-9 - Uniforme de luptă
Textul licitației
>Descriere: This tender concerns a joint procurement of the Nordic Combat Uniform (NCU) system between the Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (the Purchaser), the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) and the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency (NDMA). The purpose of the tender is to establish a non-exclusive framework agreement for each of the above mentioned national administrative entities that allows each entity to procure the items of the NCU system. With the exception of the provisions regarding governing law and dispute resolution the framework agreement will be identical for each of the participating national administrative entities. However, each national participating entity will enter its separate framework agreement with the supplier awarded the framework agreement. For each framework agreement applicable law for contractual disputes will be the national law of the nation of the relevant contracting authority. The NCU system is soldier clothing next to skin and ends at the outermost area providing a shell cover. The different elements in conjunction with other or by themselves are designed to contribute to the soldiers’ ability to withstand the demands, threats and hazards in order to solve the tasks at hand. The NCU system consists of various items enabling the soldier to