Danemarca: Main Exhibition Contractor for the new Museum Galleries at Natural History Museum of Denmark
Data licitatiei 14.11.2024
au mai rămas 12 zile
Valoare estimata : 85,500,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 8868996
Data publicarii :
DA |
Descriere scurta:
Danemarca: Main Exhibition Contractor for the new Museum Galleries at Natural History Museum of Denmark
Coduri CPV:
45212000-6 - Lucrări de construcţii de clădiri destinate activităţilor de recreere, sportive, culturale, de cazare şi restaurante
45212300-9 - Lucrări de construcţii de clădiri destinate activităţilor artistice şi culturale
45212310-2 - Lucrări de construcţii de centre de expoziţie
Textul licitației
s at the Natural History Museum of Denmark ("NHMD"). It concerns the the design, production, engineering and on-site installation of setwork (including scenography), furniture, graphic detailing, graphic production (for non-showcases), setwork lighting, tactile interactives, mounts (not in showcases) to the Ocean Hall and the Underground Galleries. In addition, the main exhibition contractor will be the main responsible for coordination with other specialist contractors, e.g. the contractors responsible for delivering specialist setworks, media content and AV Hardware to the NHMD. For a more thorough description of the task to be performed according to the contract, please see the draft contract and appendices, including the Scope of Works (Appendix 2). The NHMD has decided not to - further - divide the P3 - Main Exhibition Contractor contract into lots as it is the NHMD’s assessment that a single contract with one contractor will result in the most coherent solution and the best user experience.Identificatorul procedurii: e79b8bf0-ccbb-4c07-a011-34c2afb02683Identificator intern: 2024/15Tip de procedură: Negociată cu publicarea prealabilă a unei proceduri concurențiale de ofertare / competitivă cu negociereProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici