Data licitatiei 02.01.2025


Danemarca - Aarhus N: Purchase of an Optically Pumped Magnetometer for Magnetoencephalography
Data licitatiei 02.01.2025
Valoare estimata : 530,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 9007092 Data publicarii : 25.11.2024 Tara/Judet: DA
Descriere scurta:

Danemarca - Aarhus N: Purchase of an Optically Pumped Magnetometer for Magnetoencephalography

Coduri CPV:

33000000-0 - Echipamente medicale, produse farmaceutice şi produse de îngrijire personală
33110000-4 - Echipament de imagistică de uz medical, dentar şi veterinar

Textul licitației

The call for tenders is for the purchase of an (1) Optically Pumped Magnetometer for Magnetoencephalography as well as the related services required, cf. Appendix 1 – Specification of requirements. The incoming tenders will be evaluated based on the best ratio between price (20% weight) and quality (80% weight). It must be emphasised that the Tenderer and the Contracting Authority will not be able to negotiate the bids submitted. The purpose of this call for tenders is to upgrade the magnetoencephalographic capabilities of the Center for Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN) at Aarhus University with an Optically Pumped Magnetometer for Magnetoencephalography that are able to comply with the requirements made by the Contracting Authority. It is of decisive importance to the Contracting Authority that, in their bids, the Tenderers focus on offering the highest quality in regard t

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