Cipru: Tender for the purchase of services for the provision of National Bluefin Tuna Fishery Control Observer services, for the year 2025 with the possibility for renewal for another two years (1+1) 30/2024
Data licitatiei 02.12.2024
au mai rămas 9 zile
Valoare estimata : 300,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 8901048
Data publicarii :
CI |
Descriere scurta:
Cipru: Tender for the purchase of services for the provision of National Bluefin Tuna Fishery Control Observer services, for the year 2025 with the possibility for renewal for another two years (1+1) 30/2024
Coduri CPV:
73112000-0 - Servicii de cercetare marină
79713000-5 - Servicii de pază
90722000-4 - Reabilitare ecologică
98361000-1 - Servicii de oceanologie
Textul licitației
purchase of services for the provision of National Bluefin Tuna Fishery Control Observer services, by individuals who will be placed on fishing vessels actively fishing bluefin tuna and towing vessels transporting bluefin tuna from the fishing vessels to the bluefin tuna fattening farms, for the year 2025 with the possibility for renewal for another two years (1+1) Estimated value 300000 (100000 per year)Identificatorul procedurii: 01e98ef2-2c16-41b0-91b7-4ae6967cc3ceIdentificator intern: 30/2024Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nu2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: ServiciiClasificarea principală (cpv): 98361000 Servicii de oceanologieClasificare suplimentară (cpv): 73112000 Servicii de cercetare marină, 90722000 Reabilitare ecologică, 79713000 Servicii de pază2.1.2. Locul de executareSubdiviziunea țării (NUTS): Κύπρος (CY000)Țara: Cipru2.1.3. ValoareValoarea estimată fără TVA: 300 000,00 EUR2.1.4. Informații generaleTemei juridic: Directiva 2014/24/UE2.1.6. Motive de excludereCorupție: CorruptionP