Bosnia şi Herţegovina - Banja Luka : BERD - Bosnia și Herțegovina: Reabilitarea și extinderea rețelei de alimentare cu apă potabilă și a rețelei de colectare a apelor uzate. Etapa 2
Data licitatiei 18.06.2020
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 4677020
Data publicarii :
BO |
Descriere scurta:
Bosnia şi Herţegovina - Banja Luka : BERD - Bosnia și Herțegovina: Reabilitarea și extinderea rețelei de alimentare cu apă potabilă și a rețelei de colectare a apelor uzate. Etapa 2
Coduri CPV:
71356200-0 - Servicii de asistenţă tehnică
Textul licitației
with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter called ‘the Bank’) to provide financing (hereinafter called ‘funds’) toward the cost of the ‘Rehabilitation and expansion of the drinking water distribution network and wastewater collection network. Phase 2’. The employer intends to apply a portion of the funds to eligible payments under the contract for which this tender document is issued.The name of the tender process is: expansion of the drinking water distribution network and wastewater collection network – Phase 2, and it is divided as follows:— Section 1: Construction of water supply system ‘Tuzlanska’ street and ‘Srpskih ustanika’ street,— Section 2: Reallocation of Primary water supply system of the ‘Trapisti’ bridge,— Section 3: Construction of water supply system ‘braće Miletića’,— Section 4: Completion of water supply system ‘Jagare’,— Section 5: Construction of sewage ‘Put srpskih branilaca’— Section 6: Construction of sewage ‘Drakulić’,— Section 7: Construction of sewage ‘Vrbanja’— Section 8: Construction of sewage ‘Vrbanja’,— Section 9: Construction of sewage ‘Kuljani’,— Section 10: Construction of sewage ‘Ada’,— Section 11: Cons