Data licitatiei 30.04.2034

au mai rămas 3588 zile

Belgia: D.A.S. SMELTEN VAN METALEN 2024-2034
Data licitatiei 30.04.2034
au mai rămas 3588 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8304306 Data publicarii : 27.05.2024 Tara/Judet: BE
Descriere scurta:

Belgia: D.A.S. SMELTEN VAN METALEN 2024-2034

Coduri CPV:

90521000-5 - Servicii de tratare a deşeurilor radioactive

Textul licitației

any proper packaging of the contaminated fraction, the organisation and execution via an accredited transporter of any return transport of the contaminated fraction and the released packaging, the necessary administration (incl. providing the melting report) and assistance in arranging the legal obligations towards the various authorities and taking over the residual fraction. Categories: The Dynamic Purchasing System is divided into several categories of metals. The categories are: 1. GALVANISED STEEL 2. C-STEEL 3. STAINLESS STEEL 4. LEAD 5. ALUMINIUM 6. COPPER 7. BRASS 8. OTHER METALS The Candidate shall indicate on the participation form (Annex A) for which category(ies) he submits a request to participate. Futhermore, the Candidate adds the conditions/limits of acceptance and specification for the installation/ melting furnace to the application. In category 8 "Other metals", the Candidate can complete any additional metals that can be melted in his facilities. Please note: The invitation to submit a tender for a specific suborder will be addressed only to those selected - at the relevant time - in the category covered by the suborder. A suborder will often involve a "mix" of c

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