Data licitatiei 11.10.2024

au mai rămas 19 zile

Advisory services for climate resilient water and wastewater management in selected municipalities South Africa
Data licitatiei 11.10.2024
au mai rămas 19 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8749998 Data publicarii : 18.09.2024 Tara/Judet: AL
Descriere scurta:

Advisory services for climate resilient water and wastewater management in selected municipalities South Africa

Coduri CPV:

90710000-7 - Management de mediu

Textul licitației

stry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs. The LCCR Water project addresses the water crisis through interventions in two secondary municipalities in South Africa. By introducing water- and energy-resource efficiency gains, clean energy alternatives, and reducing water losses, the project addresses climate-induced and supply-related challenges, as well as technical capacity deficiencies (Outputs 1 and 2). By strengthening financial management capacities, the project boosts overall service by facilitating improved operations and maintenance through better financing conditions. In addition, support for the development of project proposals suitable for accessing external financing is provided under Outputs 1 and 2. Finally, Output 3 of the project raises awareness on climate resilience issues and helps key stakeholders arrive at sound policy decisions through the provision of expertise and support for sectoral dialogue. By the project"s end, a replicable model for low carbon and climate resilient water and wastewater services that responds to the needs of vulnerable groups is implemented in South Africa (Outcome). By implementing measures to help achieve national low carbon and climate adaptation targets, the South African water and was

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