81311589-Technical support for the implementation of the RECOTwin project
Data licitatiei 10.12.2024
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 8950800
Data publicarii :
AL |
Descriere scurta:
81311589-Technical support for the implementation of the RECOTwin project
Coduri CPV:
79000000-4 - Servicii pentru întreprinderi: drept, marketing, consultanţă, recrutare, tipărire şi securitate
80000000-4 - Servicii de învăţământ şi formare profesională
Textul licitației
is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The project"s objective is to ensure that regional bodies and ASEAN Member States (AMS) are in a better position to align Labour Market Policy (LMP) and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) with the needs of the green and digital transformation in a future-oriented manner. The implementation period started in February 2024 and will end in January 2028. RECOTwin is following the long-standing RECOTVET project, that supported TVET in ASEAN for almost 10 years. The political partner of the project is ASEAN as represented by the ASEAN Senior Labour Officials Meeting (SLOM). The Human Development Directorate (HDD) with the support of the Labour and Civil Services Division (LCSD) at the ASEAN Secretariat is responsible for the coordination with GIZ to ensure the implementation of the project activities with relevant partners at the country, regional and international level. Main implementing partners are SLOM, ASEAN TVET Council (ATC) as well as ATC and SLOM focal bodies in AMS. Further, RECOTwin partners with selected TVET institutes, non-governmental organisations and the private sector as well as GIZ"s and other donors" relevant projects for implementation and creating evidence on the ground in ASEAN. RECOTwin supports