Data licitatiei 08.11.2024

au mai rămas 30 zile

81310560-Projet pilote visant à quantifier et réduire l'usage de mercure dans les centres de traitement minier en Mauritanie
Data licitatiei 08.11.2024
au mai rămas 30 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8835296 Data publicarii : 09.10.2024 Tara/Judet: AL
Descriere scurta:

81310560-Projet pilote visant à quantifier et réduire l'usage de mercure dans les centres de traitement minier en Mauritanie

Coduri CPV:

71313000-5 - Servicii de consultanţă în ingineria mediului
79411100-9 - Servicii de consultanţă în dezvoltarea societăţilor
90721000-7 - Servicii de securitate a mediului

Textul licitației

rter of the state's revenue, being drawn primarily from the extraction of iron, copper and gold. It accounts for two thirds of exports and is thus exposed to price fluctuations on the world market. So far, its contribution to creating value added and jobs remains low. In the National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP2016-2030), the Government has chosen the extractive sector as one of the sectors with high potential for growth and jobs. With this in mind, the MMI (Ministère des Mines et de l'industrie) adopted a sectoral strategy targeting both the growth of the extractive sector and its diversification and better integration into the national economy. The implementation of this strategy is supported by the ASEM Bilateral Program (Support to the Mining Sector of Mauritania) jointly supported by GIZ and BGR (German Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources). The support of the BGR is focused on expanding the information base on non-metallic minerals in cooperation with the Mauritanian Office of Geological Research (ANARPAM) to promote the diversification of the mining sector. GIZ, through the new project "Integrated Economic Development in the Mining Sector (DEIM)" Builds on the results of the previous project "Strengthening the governance of extractive resources", namely the development o

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