Data licitatiei 19.12.2024

au mai rămas 30 zile

81311473 - Gender-responsive digital and business development services
Data licitatiei 19.12.2024
au mai rămas 30 zile
Valoare estimata : 615,400 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8985882 Data publicarii : 19.11.2024 Tara/Judet: AL
Descriere scurta:

81311473 - Gender-responsive digital and business development services

Coduri CPV:

79951000-5 - Servicii de organizare de seminarii

Textul licitației

eration and Development (BMZ) as part of its core area "Sustainable Economic Development, Training and Employment". With a duration of 3 years (10/23 - 09/26), the project is implemented by the Gesellschaft für Internationale Entwicklung (GIZ). The module objective reads "female micro entrepreneurs in the informal sector in rural areas of the West region are enabled to participate more strongly in digital and economic potential." and it is implemented through four outputs: (1) Support services for micro-entrepreneurs; (2) Capacities of informal micro-entrepreneurs; (3) Dialogue processes on socio-cultural barriers; (4) Access to data and evidence. Output 1 works at the systemic level and aims to promote and sustainably design needs-based support services for digital and economic participation for informal micro-entrepreneurs. The impact assumption is that such support services from digital and business development organisations, which take into account the gender-specific needs of women, promote the use of technologies and women benefit more from learning opportunities, networks, mentoring and other resources. If these are designed to be needs- and context-sensitive and take into account the gender-specific needs and challenges of women in their conception, implementation and impact, they contribute to greater participation of

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